da 4drg | Giu 28, 2019 | Senza categoria
https://erc.europa.eu/ ERC funds top scientists from anywhere in the world, who are based or willing to work in Europe, and of any research sector, with funded projects crossing traditional barriers among disciplines, dealing with new and emerging sectors and with...
da 4drg | Giu 28, 2019 | Senza categoria
https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/ Marie S. Curie Actions (MSCA) funds: Academic and industrial organisations providing innovative research and training opportunities to talented PhDs and post-PhD Mobile Researchers, from all over the world, at all...
da 4drg | Giu 28, 2019 | Senza categoria
Below is a general overview of the training sessions I can provide to help you and your organisation to fruitfully apply, and manage, H2020 Marie S. Curie grants: Individual fellowships (IF) This training focuses on providing useful information to individual...